During this assignment we used motiin blur to create a fast moving image. I chose a picture of a train, with the use of the motion blur this image of he train looks as though its going faster then the orignal, this is done by increasing the intensity of the blur, then finally bringing out the image of the train so that it can be the focal point of the image.
For this ssignment we were asked to take an original image from the internet and create any desired effect on the image. I chose to change the eyes of the model. My favorite color is green so I chose to chose to chnage the color of her eyes to green, then with opacity I made the eyes look more realistic.
For this assignment we edited a picture of ourself using soft filtering tools. This tool helped in softening the image and giving it a nice glow. This type of editing is similar to that of the many editing sites online used by social media users for instagram and facebook. The tool also helped in giving the skin tone a nice glow.
This assignment was completed using different shapes, gradients, and strokes to create our own unique flash drive. This assignment was completed using Adobe illustrator.
This assingment was also a test we used a whole new program called Adobe Illustrator to create this unique phone. This was a very complicated assignment to complete mainly because it was a new program and the steps were very long and hard to complete, but the overall learning experience was worth it.